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Strangeworks Optimization



Strangeworks Optimization SDK delivers an optimization platform designed for developers. The abstraction layer ensures a hassle-free experience for users while retaining the freedom to pick the most appropriate backend for any given problem.

pip install -U pip && pip install strangeworks-optimization

Package Documentation 📖

PyPI version



You'll need your API key, which is found on the Strangeworks Portal home page.

import strangeworks as sw





from strangeworks_optimization import StrangeworksOptimizer

so = StrangeworksOptimizer(

sw_job =
results = so.results(sw_job.slug)

The resulting jobs can be viewed on the portal

Parent Job

The Optimization Job collects the results from the Sub Jobs and provides the best solution found.

Sub Jobs

Each Sub Job represents a single execution of the solver on a specific model configuration and includes product-specific execution data and error logs.


Strangeworks Optimizer

The StrangeworksOptimizer class employs the run() method to initiate a job. This method requires model, solver, and options as arguments.


For this example we will use dimod. For all available models see here.

from dimod import BinaryQuadraticModel

linear = {1: -2, 2: -2, 3: -3, 4: -3, 5: -2}
quadratic = {(1, 2): 2, (1, 3): 2, (2, 4): 2, (3, 4): 2, (3, 5): 2, (4, 5): 2}
model = BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic, "BINARY")


To check available backends we will create a StrangeworksOptimizer object and call the backends method.

To see all available solvers and backends see Available Solvers or use Python.

from strangeworks_optimization import StrangeworksOptimizer

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
backends = so.backends()
for backend in backends:

dwave.Advantage_system6.4 gives access to the D-Wave Advantage system 6.4 solver.


Each solver has its own Parameter Model available for import from strangeworks_optimization_models.parameter_models.

To see all available options see Supported Options or use Python.

from strangeworks_optimization_models.parameter_models import DwaveSamplerParameterModel

options = DwaveSamplerParameterModel(


To enhance organization and searchability, you can assign tags to jobs.

so = StrangeworksOptimizer(
tags=["tag1", "tag2"]

To find jobs by tag, use the jobs_by_tag method. You can filter by multiple tags and specify whether to use AND or OR for the search to combine the tags.

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
jobs = so.jobs_by_tag("tag1", "tag2", and_or="AND")

Tags can also be added to jobs after they have been created.

import strangeworks as sw

sw.add_tags(job_slug, ["tag1", "tag2"])


The StrangeworksOptimizer class uses the run() method to execute the job with model, solver, options, tags as arguments.

so = StrangeworksOptimizer(

sw_job =

The slug is a unique identifier. You can use it to fetch the job later:

print(f"Job slug: {sw_job.slug}")

🥳 Result! You have successfully used the Strangeworks Optimization Service to solve a QUBO problem.

😅 Something went wrong? Find us in Slack!

Fetching a Run

If you want to fetch a previously submitted run for resubmission or to inspect the contents, you can use the download_input_file method to recreate the optimizer used to run the job:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
optimization_job = so.download_input_file(sw_job.slug)


You can see check progress on the portal as well as from the SDK:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
print(f"Job status: {so.status(sw_job.slug)}")

The statuses include:

  • QUEUED: The job is waiting to be executed.
  • RUNNING: The job is currently being executed.
  • COMPLETED: The job has been executed and the results are available.
  • FAILED: The job has failed to execute.

💡 Failed Jobs:

If the job status comes back as failed you can view the job page in the portal or use the Strangeworks SDK to retrieve the errors:

import strangeworks as sw


Multiple Resources

If you have multiple optimization resources, simply specify the resource_slug when creating the optimizer

Multiple resources?

This may be useful if you are managing multiple resources or if you are using the SDK in a multi-user environment.

from strangeworks_optimization import StrangeworksOptimizer

so = StrangeworksOptimizer(
model=model, solver=solver, resource_slug=resource_slug


Solutions are returned in the dimod.sampleset format, see here for detailed documentation. This is so that results from different solvers can be easily analyzed and benchmarked together without too much extra work from the user.

When the job is completed you can retrieve the solution.

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
results = so.results(sw_job.slug)
print(f"Best solution:\n{results.solution.first}")

This will print the best most optimal solution. But there are a variety of ways to extract the full information, the one to use depends on how you plan to use it. You can print the samples:

for sample in results.solution.samples():   

Or you can use records to get the results in standard python numpy.ndarray format:

sample_ndarray = results.solution.record.sample
energy_ndarray =

Aggregated results are also available:

aggregated_results = results.solution.aggregate()


The cost attribute of the results object provides the cost of the best solution found.

cost = results.cost


The runtime attribute of the results object provides the runtime of the best solution found.

runtime = results.runtime

Raw Results

Also note that, you can access the raw results in the original format for each solver with this code:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()

results = so.results(sw_job.slug)


Download Job

If you want to fetch a previously submitted run for resubmission or to inspect the contents, you can use the download_input_file method to recreate the optimizer used to run the job:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
optimization_job = so.download_input_file(sw_job.slug)

When a model is uploaded to the platform, it is saved in the workspace and becomes accessible to users. Each model is stored as a RemoteFile, allowing users to download it for further inspection or reuse.

Download Model

To access the model associated with a previous job, use the download_input_model method from the StrangeworksOptimizer class:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
model = so.download_input_model(job_slug)

By default, download_input_model retrieves a reference to the remote model file rather than downloading the actual file. This reference includes a URL pointing to the model's location. If you need to download the physical model file, set the download_remote=True parameter:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
model = so.download_input_model(job_slug, download_remote=True)

Remote Files

A RemoteFile can be submitted directly to the platform.

from strangeworks_optimization_models.problem_models import RemoteFile

model_url = model.model_url
model_type = model.model_type

model = RemoteFile(model_url, model_type)
solver = 'your.solver'

so = StrangeworksOptimizer(model=model, solver=solver)
sw_job =

If you want to submit a model file you must first retrieve the model_url and model_type. Accepted model_type values are (see Models for more information):

  • BinaryQuadraticModel
  • ConstrainedQuadraticModel
  • DiscreteQuadraticModel
  • AquilaNDArray
  • QuboDict
  • MPSFile
  • HitachiModel
  • FujitsuModel
  • MatrixMarket
  • QplibFile

Upload Models

To upload a model to the platform, use the upload_model method from the StrangeworksOptimizer class:

import strangeworks as sw
from strangeworks_optimizer import StrangeworksOptimizer
from dimod import BinaryQuadraticModel


linear = {1: -2, 2: -2, 3: -3, 4: -3, 5: -2}
quadratic = {(1, 2): 2, (1, 3): 2, (2, 4): 2, (3, 4): 2, (3, 5): 2, (4, 5): 2}
bqm = BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic, "BINARY")

model = StrangeworksOptimizer().upload_model(bqm)

# model_url = model.model_url
# model_type = model.model_type

Download Remote

Once you have obtained the url of the model, you can retrieve it using:

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
model = so.download_input_model_from_url(file_url).model



You can run multiple jobs in parallel by using a batch.yaml file (see Remote Files for how to produce a model_url):

job_name: BatchJob
- run: "rundwave1"
model_url: ""
model_type: "BinaryQuadraticModel"
solver: "dwave.Advantage_system6.4"
num_reads: 50
chain_strength: 30

- run: "rundwave2"
model_url: ""
model_type: "BinaryQuadraticModel"
solver: "dwave.Advantage2_prototype2.6"
num_reads: 50
chain_strength: 30

- run: "rungurobi1"
model_url: ""
model_type: "BinaryQuadraticModel"
solver: "gurobi.qubo"
TimeLimit: 100
WorkLimit: 1000
Cutoff: 10
BarIterLimit: 1000
BestBdStop: 10
BestObjStop: 10

and the run_batch method to retrieve a list of Jobs.

batch_file = "batch.yaml"

so = StrangeworksOptimizer()
sw_jobs = so.run_batch(batch_file=batch_file)